Please do not share information about upcoming OLOC Zoom events on social media. This includes mixed group email forums or listserv groups to which you belong. Thanks for helping to maintain our Zoom events as safer Lesbian-only space.
If you have questions about your list, please contact
Zoom Schedule
Zoom events are only available to OLOC affiliates unless otherwise noted. Registration is required for all events. Registration links for OLOC Zooms are typically available three weeks before the event. Watch for the Zoom advertising emails! All events are closed captioned. Details are subject to change.
Past Zooms can be found in the Affiliates Portal.
You will receive the Affiliates password when you join OLOC. If you’ve lost the password email
NOTE: ALL dates and start times are tentative and listed in ET.
Please use this Time Zone Converter for your area.
Closed Captioning is AVAILABLE for ALL Zoom events.
Panels and Presentations
These programs are open to all Lesbians except where noted.
Barbara Jordan: Political Hero, Closeted Dyke
(A Power-Point Presentation)
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 4:00–5:30 pm ET
Please use this Time Zone Converter for your area.
Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve in the Texas Senate since Reconstruction, the first Black woman elected to Congress from the South, and the first to deliver the keynote address at a national party convention. Jordan’s brilliant speech, at Nixon’s first impeachment hearing in 1973 made her a national figure. Her rich, sonorous voice convinced Republicans to go to Nixon and plead for him to resign, in order to avoid the disgrace of an official impeachment trial. This saved the country from going through extended political trauma.
Jordan was a lesbian, in a committed relationship with another woman. She lived her life in the closet. Terry Baum will give a presentation with photos about Jordan, as a political figure, and as a closeted dyke.
Presenter: Terry Baum (1946) is a slightly world-renowned lesbian playwright. In 2019, her anthology, ONE DYKE’S THEATER was published by Exit Press. In 2024, she performed HICK: A LOVE STORY at The Marsh in San Francisco, and LESBO SOLO at the San Francisco Fringe Theater Festival.
End White Dominance September Session
Friday, September 27, 4:00–5:30 pm ET
4th Friday of each month…
Please use this Time Zone Converter for your area.
Imperialism and How it Ties Into White Dominance and Other Isms
by Susan Chacin
Confronting Sexism
3rd Tuesday of each month…
We are taking off the month of September!
Please use this Time Zone Converter for your area.
Open Houses
Open Discussion for OLD/Elder Lesbians (participants can come and go at any time) unless otherwise noted.
Open houses are 90 minutes.
Being with Death and Dying:
Our Own and Our Loved Ones
Monday, September 16, 4:00 pm–5:30 ET
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“Being with death and dying” is a phrase that aptly describes the human condition: we are unique among all living species in being aware of our mortality. But most of us follow the dominant orientation of our American culture towards death: avoidance.
We OLOC-ians are proud to call ourselves “old” – and part of being old is the reality of our approaching death – waking us from our cultural avoidance. Dying becomes a bell that does not stop ringing – especially as we or our loved ones experience life-threatening illnesses and accidents. Maybe – through sharing and talking together here – we will find new perspectives to help allay our fears and worries about dying – knowing we are not alone, finding positive support and inner strength regarding our personal feelings, thoughts, and spiritual beliefs about being mortal.
Please consider joining in this contemplative discussion for enriching these capstone years of our lives.
Note: this is not an information session on the legal aspects of preparing for our deaths.
Facilitator: Sue Reamer (1942)
Support and Discussion Groups
These groups are for affiliates of National OLOC.
Lesbians of Color Discussion Group
The group meets by Zoom every third Wednesday of the month at 2:30 P.M. PT/5:30 P.M. ET. If you are an Old/Elder Lesbian of Color and would like to participate in the discussions, please contact Alí Marrero Calderón at
ASL Practice
This group has been suspended, indefinitely.
Caregivers Support Group
This group is open to OLOC affiliates who are currently caregiving.
Meets every Monday of each month at 1:00 P.M. ET.
Please use this Time Zone Converter for your area.
Co-Facilitators: Barb Ester, 1947, and Ruth Debra, 1944.This Zoom group offers opportunities to share experiences and ideas, difficulties and joys, so we can be the best at what we are doing. We understand that due to the nature of caregiving, there may be times you cannot make it or have to leave early. Enrollment is limited. Pre-registration is required.
Contact for information.
Widows Support Group
We have one active group. It is currently full.
If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact
Radical Lesbian Feminists Discussion Group
This group is currently full.
If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact
What Is Needed
To create new Support or Discussion Groups, we need two things:
1) Co-Facilitators willing to work together, manage contact with participants, and meet regularly with experience to manage conversations on Zoom.
2) Technical skills to manage Zoom events. This does not necessarily need to be the facilitators. However, the current Zoom crew does not have the capacity to tech additional groups — so those who would like to volunteer with Zoom tech skills for Support or Discussion Groups would be necessary.
Discussion Etiquette Statement
For all OLOC communications and events, you are responsible for your own contribution which means using “I” statements whenever possible. Each OLOC affiliate and supporter is to do your part in creating an inclusive and welcoming environment for all through your words and actions.
Please use respectful and considerate language at all times, which includes not using racial, ethnic, or any other slurs.
OLOC supports civil disagreements between participants and promotes reflective listening. Please note that individual opinions do not necessarily reflect the beliefs or attitudes of OLOC as a whole. (02/11/24)
If you have any questions, please contact (National Zoom events only) or (End White Dominance programs only).
If you missed a past Zoom or would like to see one again…they are available to OLOC affiliates.
You will receive the Affiliates password when you join OLOC.
Affiliates are Lesbians who have reached their 55th year.
If you want to check your affiliation, please contact:
If you’re an affiliate who has lost the password email or