Steering Committee

Steering Committee October 2018, Columbus, Ohio

The Steering Committee, usually made up of five to nine affiliates, develops the Strategic Plan, establishes policy, and approves all matters affecting the organization.

Click here for a list of OLOC committees

Michiko Bailey Thorne

Oakland, CA
-born in 1953. I am Japanese and Black; was born in Japan and made the final move to the US just before my 13th birthday. I’m the mother of three fabulous children and have been with my spouse, Stephan Thorne, since 1994. I came out relatively late, at the age of 30. Since then, I have been involved in various LGBTQ organizations. I’m excited about becoming more involved in OLOC—a Lesbian organization! I’m looking forward to working to support OLOC’s growth in becoming a more diverse organization.

Alí Marrero Calderón
Bayamón, Puerto Rico
-born in 1948. I was born in Puerto Rico and raised in the US. I am an Army Brat. I have been active in the Lesbian community in the San Francisco/Oakland Bay Area since 1969. I was one of the first Dykes on Bikes here in 1976. I have worked for the rights of People of Color since the Briggs Initiative in California and helped coordinate security at the International Women’s Conference in Houston in 1977. I am now married to my partner of 19 years, Doris Muñiz, who is also Puerto Rican. I want to work towards parity for Lesbians of Color, especially more visibility for Latina/Caribbean Lesbians. I would love to see more Old Latina/Caribeña Lesbians involved with OLOC and my goal is to start a group.

Sally Tatnall
Lyndhurst, OH
-born in 1937. Sally Tatnall was born in Batavia, New York, grew up in Buffalo N.Y. She has been a radical feminist for decades.  Currently she is dedicated to OLOC and bringing the Lesbian Feminist voice into the public as much as possible.

Houston, Texas
-born in 1952.  I found out I was a Lesbian at 25.  I was on the March on Washington organizing board in 1993.  I was a part of NIA, a Black women’s organization in Oakland [California], during the mid-1990s.  I was part of a Black women’s organization in Atlanta, and I don’t remember the name of it. I was part of a Black women’s organization in Houston in the early 2010s named Ujima.

Patti Kardia
I live in Mid-Michigan.
-born in 1959.  I began organizing events for Lesbians at the University of Michigan (U-M) as an undergraduate when I joined the Human Sexuality Office as a work-study student. Since that first Lesbian tea, I have organized a conference for Lesbian moms, several Pride celebrations, and numerous workshops and panels. I taught the first Lesbian studies class as an adjunct at both U-M and Indiana University, published essays on homophobia education as part of multicultural education, edited a collection of essays on heterosexism and militarism for the American Friends Service Committee, organized two guerrilla stenciling actions, served on numerous task forces/ committees/actions, and have done LOTS of administrative work. I am on the Finance and Fundraising Committee and help with OLOC administrative and technical updates, especially for the upcoming Gathering. I have a particular interest in developing intentional community with other Lesbians. 

Affiliates are welcome to attend Steering Committee meetings in a listening role only. Meeting dates and times will be made available to members who request them. To request attendance, email and indicate the date of the meeting you want to attend. Requests will be approved in the order they are received, and a link or invitation to the meeting will be sent to those who are approved.

“I love OLOC because it brings together old lesbian feminists to talk about our issues, take political action, and support each other.  I contributed to the start of OLOC in 1989.  Since then I have gone to every National Gathering. Over the past 25 years I have made a lot of good friends at Gatherings who I keep up with through the Internet.”
—Natalie Zarchin, Age:  91

“Their work even focuses on the housing needs of aging lesbians (which is quite important  to me personally) and on efforts to  embrace and demystify the word ‘old.’ They instill pride by their very existence.”
—Gaye Adegbalola, 66
Mother, Daughter, Educator, Activist
Founding Member of Saffire – the Uppity Blues Women

So, may I make a toast?
“To OLOC friends who are some of our best friends because they know the song in our hearts —and can sing it back to us when we’ve forgotten the words!” 

—Ariana Manov, 64,   Los Angeles, CA
activist, advocate, broadcast journalist

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