Full table at retreat_Bay Area_1200x500

Bay Area, San Francisco

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(Western Mass. OLOC)_1200x500

WMA OLOC (Western Mass. OLOC)

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Puget Sound, Washington

rhode island

Rhode Island

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Chapters & Groups


We are so glad you’ve decided to organize for Old Lesbians.
So many Old Lesbians are isolated, and OLOC is committed to leaving no Old Lesbian behind as we make a better world for us all. Old Lesbians Organizing for Change an International Community of Lesbian Elders, connecting coast-to-coast. OLOC Steering Committee members are available to work with you on chapter development.


If you would like to know more about starting a local OLOC chapter in your community, contact info@oloc.org.  If you would like help to form an OLOC chapter or group, here are some ways to get started: Write to P.O. BOX 100129 Cranston, RI 02910; email info@oloc.org; or phone 888-706-7506. A member of the Steering Committee of National OLOC will guide you through the process.

San Francisco Bay Area: Pat Cull, 1942, 415-637-5002, pat@oloc.org


Elisbeth Borden, 1950, 303-349-6630, elisabethborden@gmail.com
The Colorado Chapter meets monthly in the Denver metro area.

WMA OLOC (Western Mass. OLOC): JR (Judy Raphael), 1943, 413-519-5397, healthnharmony@gmail.com
Roberta (Bib) Pato, 1946, 347-380-2989, bibrtp@aol.com

Hudson Valley: Retts Scauzillo, 1953, 845-901-3879, rettsie@gmail.com

Central Ohio: Pam Jackson, 1941, 614-615 1949, pamjaqua@gmail.com

Mev Miller, 1955, 401-383-4374, olocinri@gmail.com


Annie Taylor, 1956, 802-377-2075, afwestcott@gmail.com

Puget Sound Area: 
info@psoloc.org | psoloc.org

United States
At Large: 
Janis Sommers, janis02642@gmail.com

Chapter list as of June 6, 2023


Groups are only available to affiliates and meet on Zoom.

For more information contact oloccczoom@gmail.com

Lesbians of Color Discussion Group
Contact gypsy at gypsy@oloc.org.

End White Dominance
Contact Susan Wiseheart susan@oloc.org

ASL Chat
This group has been suspended, indefinitely. 

Caregivers Support Group
Contact Ruth Debra, ruthdebra@icloud.com

Confronting Sexism: Fighting for Our Lives
Contact goreeni@netscape.net

Lesbian Widows Support Group 
Please be advised…
For various reasons, OLOC no longer has any active support groups for Lesbian Widows. But we still have a waiting list.
If you are interested in facilitating a Lesbian Widows Support Group, please see “What is Needed” below, and contact olocccZoom@gmail.com

Radical Feminists Group 
This group is currently full. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact olocccZoom@gmail.com.

What Is Needed
To create new Support or Discussion Groups, we need two things:
1) Co-Facilitators willing to work together, manage contact with participants, and meet regularly with experience to manage conversations on Zoom. 
2) Technical skills to manage Zoom events. This does not necessarily need to be the facilitators. However, the current Zoom crew does not have the capacity to tech additional groups — so those who would like to volunteer with Zoom tech skills for Support or Discussion Groups would be necessary.

Remember what it was like when you first met other women who affirmed other women? Old Lesbians who affirmed being Old Lesbians? Imagine a world in which no one affirmed us. It exists – almost everywhere. OLOC is changing that world.
—Carol Anne Douglas, age 65

“All these old lesbians are a gift and Old Lesbians Organizing for Change, An International Community of Lesbian Elders, is the organization that has been steadfast in providing a place for us to come together.”
— Jewelle Gomez

• OLOC is committed to creating space for Lesbians
• OLOC has fabulous regional networks with meetings and social gatherings
• OLOC produces fantastic National Gatherings that are wild and wonderful and energizing and inclusive and deep
—Diane Sabin, 1952 San Francisco, CA 

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