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Zoom 2024 affiliates

End White Dominance
Detour Spotting for White Anti-Racists #2
Friday, December 27, 2024, 4:00–5:30 pm ET

Attitudes or behaviors that indicate a detour or wrong turn into white guilt, denial or defensiveness.
Discussion on the following detours:

  • Lighten Up
  • Don’t Blame Me
  • BWAME “But What About Me
  • We Have Overcome
  • The End Run, Escapism
  • Due Process
  • Innocence by Association
  • The Penitent
  • The White Wash
  • Not Here In Lake Wobegon

Presentation with Reflection
DYKE the HALLS – Winter greetings from the Wanderground Archives
Sunday, December 22, 2024, 3:30 pm ET

Wanderground Lesbian Archive/Library is filled with Lesbian-made items and music celebrating December winter events and holidays. From a goddess cookie cutter, to songs of Kwanzaa or Hanukkah or Solstice, to Alison Bechdel & Diane DiMassa cards, to miscellaneous artwork & ornaments, and humorous remakes of Christmas carols, we will highlight an array of expressions (both reverent and not). Join us for a relaxing Lesbian-focused afternoon of art and music paying tribute to December. 
Let’s include you!! Please send pictures ( of your favorite Lesbian-made items (e.g., menorah, kinara, cards, artwork, etc.) or names of your favorite songs, so Mev can work them into the presentation. Send no later than December 13.
Created by Mev Miller (1955)

Confronting Sexism: Women and Patriarchal Religions 
Tuesday, December 17, 2024, 3:00 pm ET

Religions are human creations. The symbols, the images, the stories are projections of the human mind. Feminist study reveals that Patriarchal religions replaced original female and nature- centered ritual and spirituality. Let’s discuss the consequences of this replacement for women, for humanity, for mother earth.

FILM – Documentary Screening – Open to Lesbians of any age
A Culinary Uprising: The Story of Bloodroot
Wednesday, December 11, 2024, 4:00 pm ET

This 80-minute film, directed by filmmaker Annie Laurie Medonis, chronicles the extraordinary journey of Bloodroot, a historic feminist vegan restaurant and bookstore in Bridgeport, CT, founded 47 years ago, and the pioneering women who built it. The film documents the lives of Bloodroot’s founders, Selma Miriam (89) and Noel Furie (79), whose identities as lesbian, vegan feminists have shaped the ethos and legacy of their iconic establishment.
In the ‘70s and ‘80s, there were over 230 feminist restaurants, cafes, and coffeehouses throughout the U.S. and Canada. Bloodroot remains the oldest and longest-lasting of these spaces and is one of only two still in operation today.
The documentary delves into how this unique space, dedicated to social justice, vegan cuisine, and diversity, has defied the odds and remained a vital resource for its community for nearly five decades. It also highlights the importance of lesbian visibility, women-owned businesses, and spaces that prioritize the well-being and self-expression of marginalized groups.
Bloodroot has been a member/supporter of OLOC for many years, and many OLOCians have eaten and/or worked there.
Facilitated by Mev Miller (1955) – former Bloodroot employee, with Annie Laurie Medonis, filmmaker.

End White Dominance
United States: Native American Heritage Month
The Doctrine of Discovery and Settler Colonialism 
Friday, November 22, 2024, 5:30 pm ET

Also at this session, please feel free to join us by learning about any Tribes or First Nations that have previously lived and/or currently live in your area and then share with us a no more than five-minute presentation.

3rd Tuesday of each month…
Confronting Sexism: Women and Mother Earth 
Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 3:00 pm ET

The immemorial epithet, “Mother Earth”, expresses the close connection in human consciousness between women and nature which the second wave incorporated in radical feminist analysis.The destruction of the earth so obvious and foreboding today compels us to examine how sexism violates both nature and women, and urges responsibility for ourselves and Mother Earth. Bring your life-affirming concerns to this timely conversation.

The Magnificent Crone
Monday, October 28, 2024, 4:00 pm ET

What does it mean to be or become a Crone in modern terms? The original definition referred to a “disagreeable old woman.” Many modern women embrace the term to describe a time of life when they are independent and strong women in the process of intentional aging. (And maybe sometimes still “disagreeable,” if that means she speaks her mind regardless of what people think.) We will talk about the term, its many meanings, and the advantages of acknowledging and celebrating this magnificent phase of life. 
Presenter: Sid Reger (1947), who identifies as an “earth crone,” is an artist and scholar of goddess mythology. She teaches about myth and prehistory for the Women’s Thealogical Institute, and she’s president of the Association for the Study of Women and Mythology.

A Magical Place by Glena Rogers

End White Dominance
Friday,  October 25, 4:00–5:30 pm ET
4th Friday of each month…
Detour Spotting for White Anti-Racists
Attitudes or behaviors that indicate a detour or wrong that turn into white guilt, denial or defensiveness.
Discussion on the first 5 behaviors: 

  • Blame the Victim
  • The Level Playing Field and the Bootstrap Theory
  • I’m Color Blind
  • The Rugged Individual
  • Reverse Racism 
  • The White Knight or White Missionary

Confronting Sexism
Women and Anger
Tuesday, October 15, 2024 / 3:00 pm (ET)

Download the notes from this session

Ageism Awareness Day
Wednesday, October 9, 2024, 2:00pm (ET)

Let’s talk about ageism and how it may be holding us back. What do we need to know to celebrate our age?
Facilitator: Sally Tatnall (1937)

Barbara Jordan: Political Hero, Closeted Dyke
(A Power-Point Presentation)
Thursday, September 26, 2024, 4:00–5:30 pm ET
Barbara Jordan was the first African American to serve in the Texas Senate since Reconstruction, the first Black woman elected to Congress from the South, and the first to deliver the keynote address at a national party convention. Jordan’s brilliant speech, at Nixon’s first impeachment hearing in 1973 made her a national figure. Her rich, sonorous voice convinced Republicans to go to Nixon and plead for him to resign, in order to avoid the disgrace of an official impeachment trial. This saved the country from going through extended political trauma.
Jordan was a lesbian, in a committed relationship with another woman. She lived her life in the closet.  Terry Baum will give a presentation with photos about Jordan, as a political figure, and as a closeted dyke.
Presenter: Terry Baum (1946) is a slightly world-renowned lesbian playwright. In 2019, her anthology, ONE DYKE’S THEATER was published by Exit Press. In 2024, she performed HICK: A LOVE STORY at The Marsh in San Francisco, and LESBO SOLO at the San Francisco Fringe Theater Festival. 

End White Dominance September Session
Friday,  September 27, 4:00–5:30 pm ET
Imperialism and How it Ties Into White Dominance and Other Isms

by Susan Chacin

Friday,  July 26, 4:00 pm ET
Anti-Racism Discussion

Summer Session 2
Continuing the discussion of you and anti-racism.

Thursday,  July 25, 4:00 pm ET
Who Was Bolivia’s Adela Zamudio? – A Bi-Lingual Discussion

Presentation Open to Lesbians of any age.
Lynette Yetter reads and discusses her 2023 PEN Award-finalist translations of poetry by Bolivia’s most celebrated writer, Adela Zamudio (1854-1928). Mother of feminism, and women’s and Indigenous People’s education in Bolivia, Zamudio’s poetry celebrates lesbian love and ironically critiques patriarchal modern society. In Bolivia, Zamudio’s birthday is a national holiday and schoolchildren learn her most famous poems. But outside of Bolivia, she has been largely unknown.

Lynette will discuss Adela Zamudio’s life and the context in which she wrote (which in many ways resonates with today), and will read selected poems in both their original Spanish, followed by her English translations. Q&A questions can be in either Spanish or English and Lynette will reply likewise.
Lynette Yetter (1959) shares her time between Bolivia and Portland, Oregon.
Facilitated by Susan Wiseheart (1941).

July 16, 2024, 3:00-4:30 pm (ET) 
Confronting Sexism: Women & SportsTuesday,

3rd Tuesday of each month
Everyone is watching Women’s sports!Why is there a sudden surge in popularity?Let’s talk about it!

Friday, June 28, 2024 4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET)
Anti-Racism Discussion
We will talk about when you first recognized racism’s existence and where you are now regarding racism.
PLEASE NOTE: We will be asking participants if they would like to continue this discussion at the July and August End White Dominance sessions instead of topic sessions. The regular topic sessions will be start back up in September.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024 3:00 pm (ET)
Confronting Sexism: Fighting for Our Lives Series
The Impact of Sexism on Women and Girls

Join us in this timely discussion on the unholy trinity of Sexism, Militarism and War.
Working to understand the systemic sexism that envelops our lives.
Closed captioning is provided.
Download the notes from this session

Friday, May 24, 2024 4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET)
How to be an Effective Ally

  • What does it mean to be an ally? 
  • Do I know the local indigenous community? 
  • What information do I need to know to be an effective ally. 
  • Why do I want to be ally?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 3:00pm (ET)
Confronting Sexism: The Old Woman in My Mirror
Reflecting on my aging self. Please have a photo of your younger self to share.

Lesbian Connection [LC]: A national dialogue
Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 3:00-5:00 pm (ET), noon-2 pm (PT)

A panel of collective members from Lesbian Connection will consider these questions and more. 

  • How did LC magazine get started?  
  • Lesbian and feminist collectives were the way 50 years ago, but most are now long gone.  How has LC managed to stay a collective after all these years? 
  • Lesbian feminism has had plenty of controversies. How have you managed to balance/survive them while presenting the opinions and feelings of both sides? 
  • What topics are you most proud of handling?  Any you wish you’d handled better or avoided entirely?
  • Q&A – Audience input

End White Dominance: Police Structure – No More Police book
Friday, April 26, 2024  4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET

Sessions two and three of the three part series
We will discuss part two: what is called “soft police” and the challenges of reform and part three: What can we do about it? What do we want the police to do?
If you are interested in what was discussed at the first session of the series, please email Patty O’Donnell at for a copy of the notes.

Confronting Sexism: Ageism
Tuesday, April 16, 2024 at 3:00 pm 

At our age, most of us have “many a story” about ageism. Come and share your experiences; then take a further step and consider how sexism and ageism are interwoven together in Patriarchy’s smothering fabric.

The Pagoda and Lesbian Community
Thursday, April 11, 2024, 4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET)

For 22 years, lesbians ran a cultural center called the Pagoda, surrounded by a lesbian residential community in St. Augustine, Florida. Rose Norman’s book The Pagoda: A Lesbian Community by the Sea documents their herstory. Join Rose and several longtime Pagoda residents for a program about their experience building lesbian community. Pagoda participants include Barbara Lieu, Emily Greene, and Morgana MacVicar.
Editor & Facilitator: Rose Norman (1949)

End White Dominance: Women’s Herstory Month/International Women’s Day: Lesbians of Color
Friday, March 22, 2024  4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET)

Please choose a Lesbian of Color who is living or has passed to do a 5 minute presentation on her.

Download the PowerPoint presentation

Download the notes from this session

Confronting Sexism
Tuesday, March 19, 2024  3:00 pm–4:30 pm (ET)
Women’s Herstory Month and Sexism
Please join us in celebrating and recognizing women. We need this for ourselves and for each other. Let’s make the splash we deserve. Let us cross all the boundaries  that separate us: race, class, heterosexism. Let’s think international, too.
Recognize a woman or a women’s group that has inspired and influenced you, one who is famous, or one of the many extraordinary women you have known.
Make a brief (3-minute max) presentation on your honoree, who she is and how she impacted you, or recite a poem, or bring a picture. Multi-media is welcome.
For centuries, women have been starved of recognition and affirmation. Silence and invisibility have deprived generations of girls and women of self-esteem and confidence 
Let us glory in the hour and one half of affirmation that we create together. This is creative activism that strengthens and energizes, personally and collectively.

Gentleman Jack / Anne Lister
Monday, March 11, 2024, 4:00–5:30 pm (ET) 
“Gentleman Jack,” the magnificent BBC/HBO series that introduced Anne Lister to the world, had an immense impact on Lesbians. As a result of learning about the 19th-century English “first modern lesbian,” women from all over the planet connected, shared their enthusiasm, and in some cases even married each other! Eileen, Janet, and Amanda will share a few of their experiences as “Lister Sisters,” and explain why the Anne Lister phenomenon was — and continues to be — so powerful and life-changing. 

Learn more about Anne Lister. Download the resources.

Gentleman Jack / Anne Lister Presenters

Amanda Aikman (1953)
Amanda is a retired Unitarian Universalist minister who served churches in the Pacific Northwest for 25 years, following a career in advertising in NYC. She wrote over a dozen plays that have been produced in the Seattle area, and is the author of the 2023 novel Miss Lister’s Guest House, based on the Anne Lister phenomenon. Amanda lives with her partner in Everett, WA.

Eileen Wetherall (1954)
A world traveler, Eileen lived most of her life in Ireland but worked in USA ten years as an RN 1977-1987. She also has done post-graduate work in Women’s Studies. Eileen has multiple interests and is still a tomboy at heart. At 70, her body occasionally reminds her she’s not in her 20’s anymore
Eileen first heard of Anne Lister in the late 1990’s when she saw a play in Dublin by Emma Donoghue (I Know My Own Heart, 1993) decades before the TV series, Gentleman Jack.

Janet Lea (1948)
Janet has sold hula hoops, organized armadillo races, and been suspected of being a CIA spy. She’s lived in the American West in a VW van with a beagle puppy, dodged military checkpoints in Tibet, and camped out on the Great Wall of China.
Having escaped from 25 years in the crazy world of advertising, Janet now writes full-time. She is the author of The Gentleman Jack Effect: Lessons in Breaking Rules and Living Out Loud. She and her wife live in Santa Fe.

End White DominancePolice Structure: No More Police book
Friday, February 23, 2024 4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET)
4th Friday of each Month…
Session two of the three part series being held on alternate months.
We will discuss what is called “soft police” and the challenges of reform.
If you are interested in what was discussed at the first session of the series, please email Patty O’Donnell at for a copy of the notes

Confronting Sexism: Internalized Misogyny and Sexism
Tuesday, February 20, 2024,. 3:00 pm (ET) 
Women are not immune from sexist beliefs, patriarchal values and behaviors, or misogyny. They pervade our social climate, subliminally and overtly. Our socialization has woven them into our consciousness.
How have you experienced sexism from other women? 
Are you aware of the sexist attitudes in yourself?
Do strong women invite disapproval and dislike from you? 
Woman-hating often finds expression in the feelings we have about our bodies and eating disorders feature large in the consequences of sexism. Does this resonate with you?
Please reflect on this issue, which is not a superficial one, and the proposed questions and join us in this important discussion.

End White DominanceWhat are Lesbians doing to Make Change regarding Ending White Dominance?
Friday, January 26, 2024 4:00 – 5:30 pm (ET)
Come share what you have done or are planning to do, ask questions, give input.

Hierarchy in Our Bones
Thursday, January 18 at 4:00 pm (ET)

Do you ever get frustrated by how we communicate with each other? Would you like to help figure out how we all could maybe change it?  I invite you to a conversation I will be hosting as well as presenting some ideas for shifting how we do communicate.  Please join me. 
Facilitated by Sally Tatnall – 1937

Confronting Sexism: Sexism and the Impact on Women and Girls: Misogyny
Tuesday, January 16, 2024  3:00 to 4:30 pm (ET)
3rd Tuesday of each month…

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