Zoom 2020
Winter Holidays Casual Chat
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Welcoming from Barb Ester and Beth York
Winter’s Here
Snowscapes by Beth York
Original composition performed by Beth York and Barb Ester.
“Where Do We Go From Here?”
Friday, November 6, 2020
The 4th National OLOC Zoom program on November 6 was a post-election get-together for members to gather to share our feelings and to consider the future impact of this election for us Old Lesbians. More than 80 Old Lesbians attended, making this another highly successful pandemic program.
Comedian Karen Williams, 1952, welcomed everyone and got things warmed up. The bulk of the program then consisted of small-group discussions (in Zoom “breakout rooms”), facilitated by prompts such as: Where are we now? How are we feeling? How are we coping? Where do we go from here? What repair work needs to happen? What is your passion?
Calling all you white Old Lesbians who are committed to your anti-white supremacy work! Join Elizabeth and other Old Lesbians from our chapter [New Mexico] and the OLOC Steering Committee on Sunday afternoons from 1:00–2:30 P.M. MT at www.NanetteDMassey.com for discussions/learning sessions on Robin DiAngelo’s book, White Fragility. Nanette, a Black freelance writer and anti-racism trainer (before COVID-19 forced trainings to stop) takes us beyond the white echo chamber. If you have the courage to be quiet and learn—not justify past or current behaviors—please join in weekly, as often as you can. This is an Eventbrite event and you have the opportunity to support Nanette through a freewill offering. Be respectful; read White Fragility in advance of attending, if at all possible. You do not have to like this book, agree with stuff in it, etc., but it is important to have given the ideas in it some consideration in order to get the most out of Nanette’s guidance and wisdom. Nanette says that when white women want to learn about racism, they join a book club/read a book!! Please join in her conversation and don’t stay in white bubbles. (Offered by Elizabeth, 1945, uninvited dweller on Puebloan land)
Stamped from the Beginning, by Ibram X. Kendi, was a great history lesson (Offered by Patty O’Donnell, 1956)
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do, by Jennifer L. Eberhardt, PhD. (2019) (Offered by Christine Pattee, 1941)
Sue Reamer, 1942, followed with a short report on Lesbian and other women candidates down-ballot, and the results of their elections. Unfortunately, Mandy Carter, 1948, co-founder of the National Black Justice Coalition, who was scheduled to give the wrap-up, experienced internet technical difficulties, so there was nothing to share from her recording. Mandy is 72 years old and living in Durham, North Carolina. However, she did offer these resources in the chat:
• Southerners on New Ground: www.southernersonnewground.org
• National Black Justice Coalition: www.nbjc.org
Thank you to everyone who attended and those who worked to put this program together!
A Panel Discussion via Zoom: Down the Lesbian Music Memory Lane
Thursday, September 17, 2020
Focus of Discussion:
A distinguished panel of women’s music legends discusses how they got started in women’s music and what they are doing today, and their experiences with touring, festivals, activism, Lesbian issues, and more.
Alix Dobkin: Singer/Songwriter, Writer
Gaye Adegbalola: West African Travelling Poet, Storyteller, Musician
Jamie Anderson: Musician, Teacher, Author
June Millington: Founder, IMA and Rock Musician
Margie Adam: Singer, Songwriter, Pianist
María Cora: Bilingual Lead Vocalist for Azúcar Con Aché, Choral Director
Melanie DeMore: Singer/Songwriter, Composer, Conductor, Vocal Activist
Moderator: Retts Scauzillo: Stage Manager, Producer
A Panel Discussion via Zoom: Our Essential Third Place (with Home and Work) ~~ The Feminist/Lesbian Bookstore
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Focus of discussion: How feminist/Lesbian bookstores supported and advanced Lesbian cultures and communities. From this herstorical journey, we recall and learn from the best of our past activisms and create energies for our futures as Old Lesbians.
Carol Seajay: Old Wives Tales, ICI-A Woman’s Place, & Feminist Bookstore News, San Francisco
Deb Morris: Lammas Bookstore, Washington, DC.
Faye Williams: Founder, Sisterspace & Books, Washington
DC Linda Tillery (Invited): ICI-A Woman’s Place, San Francisco
Pokey Anderson: Inklings Bookstore, Houston, TX
Moderator: Mev Miller: Amazon Bookstore, Minneapolis, MN & other ventures
OLOC’s Second National Video Meeting a Zooming Success!
Saturday, June 27, 2020

On June 27, OLOC held its second National Zoom meeting, with approximately 60 Old Lesbians in attendance. The topic was: What kind of activism work can you do while staying home or safe from COVID-19? All who were there are activists who lament that we can’t march now for Black Lives Matter because of our age and COVID-19. In this Zoom event, the facilitators randomly separated participants into various chat rooms. Each room was asked to have a notetaker to list the activities of its members. The compilation of those notes is here and we hope you will check it out! Many thanks to Mev Miller, 1955, for putting it together, and to the tech team (Mev, Deirdre Knowles, 1947, Ruth Debra, 1944, JR, 1943, and Retts Scauzillo, 1953) for leading another successful meeting!

It’s not hard to find people who need help. Just about all of us can do something to take action now to fight racism and ease the pain of the pandemic for others, two of the most pressing issues of the present time. Everyone can make a difference and have an impact, no matter how small you think your actions are!
Ruth says: “Thank you to all you OLOC Zoomers. Thank you for doing the survey and coming up with such great ideas for future meetings. We will Zoom again in August; date to be announced, so watch your email. So good to see so many Old Lesbian faces!”
Download Zoom Notes: Ideas for Safe Activism Work During the Pandemic